A New Adventure and My Thoughts on Fear

I was planning on posting something on a sort of love of mine at the moment, but something came up today and I just had to tell you about it. I am only sorry that I didn’t take more photos…

I took my film camera on this adventure today, my seven year old GE digital camera has chomped through new batteries within two days, so I didn’t get many photos. This place was just beautiful, though. Mount Mee in Brisbane is lush and cool this time of year. Cows are grazing, horse’s resting their heads on the rump of another, rolling hills are bathed in sun, rows and rows of thick avocado trees grow in fields, and there are mind-blowing greenilicious fields of grass and wild flowers. I have been to Mount Mee and a few of the places we passed by, but today I saw it all differently. Since this change, of trying to have both big and little adventures as frequents as possible, I haven’t traveled as far as I did today though. It was only about half an hour each way, but I watched the scenery change from ocean and sand and too many buildings, too green fields and rolling hills and seldom houses. The weather was the perfect Autumn mix of cool winds and warming sun. Perfect for this little adventure of mine.

What made today different was how I got to Mount Mee. I was a motorbike!! This brings me to my thoughts on fear. I have always declined when my step-dad asked if I wanted to ride on the back of his on-road bike. I am still not completely sure why I avoided bikes. I rode dirt bikes all the time when I was younger. So why now is it that I suddenly didn’t want to get on one? I don’t know. The only way I can explain it is that Fear made it perfectly rational. Fear stopped me from getting on the back of my step-dad’s bike. Fear is like that, it will hold you back and stop you from leaving your perfectly safe comfort zone… AND it will do it in such a way that it seems perfectly all right not to. This Fear could stem from something that your family told you as a child, a bad experience, or even from the media. “You wont be happy unless you are rocking the little red bikini and have three hot guys chasing after you and your tanned girlfriends while you laugh, showing off your pearly whites.” heard of this? Yeah, Fear (or your Ego) hammers you over and over until you are left with drug or alcohol dependancy problems, self-confidence problems or a number of other self love issues.


I used to be like that, and sometimes I still let Fear whisper mean things about my body and my life in my ears. I think that that is inevitable when you live in a class, beauty and materialistic driven society. But you can choose to see Love instead! Yay! And when you see Love over Fear or Ego some pretty amazing things happen, the Universe gives you so much!

Anyway, I was under the delusion that getting on the back of a motorbike would be the end of me! But last night I agreed to go on a ride the next day. A lovely family friend allowed this complete amateur (lil’ ol’ me) to get on the back of his bike. He told me that he would drive slower and that he was sure I would really enjoy the ride. I pulled a face and everyone laughed but I got on anyway. I found that when I was looking at this big, and slightly imitating, bike all I was worried about was scratching the shiny surface with my totally inappropriate hipster lace-ups. I wasn’t scared for even a moment whole on that bike. The cool wind felt refreshing against my skin, the weightless feeling while driving along (NO SEAT BELT! WOOOT! I was told not to sound so surprised by that), the breathtakingly green fields and stunning views of the far off hills and ocean all overwhelmed me in the best way and I felt like I was born to be on the back of a bike. All my worries about my future, stress and impurities left me (the speed we were going ripped them out of my pours if I am being honest). It also left my hair a total mess of knots and my face slightly pink…

Oh! And the bees! There was this little church that was open for the public to walk through (thank you kind and trusting people!). The church itself was small and old but well kept, but the flowers…oh yes, that was love at first sight. There were flowers EVERYWHERE! And I am not even over-exaggerating. It was so picturesque AND there were bees everywhere. Through the occasional sound of the motorbikes zoooooming past, you were able to hear the delicate buzzing of those little wonders.

I was in heaven, no pun intended.

These are some of the very few photos from my mum’s phone. I plan to trip back there in my tiny car with a green juice and a picnic lunch so I can stop and take photos without pissing off an otherwise pleasant family friend (oh and with a paper bag filled with batteries for my beloved camera).




I hope your weekends where even more magical than mine was.

Brittany xx